Pub HTML5 – the best helper for converting PDF to HTML5 flippingbook

Flip book has reformed the way of digital publishing and it has also enhanced the reading experience of digital publication with life-like page flipping effect that old fashioned PDF eBooks can never offer. The virtual page flipping animation just makes readers feel like reading a print book.

The ability to add multimedia to the digital page flipping publication can be one important criteria of judging a flip book creator. And not surprisingly, Pub HTML5, provides you with such a powerful feature and it can definitely be the best helper for converting PDF to HTML5 flippingbook because it can offer you a lot more surprises.


Unlike many other flip book makers, Pub HTML5 enables you to publish flipbooks that are absolutely HTML5 based, which means that the flipbook can be accessible on both desktops and mobile devices like iOS and Android.


You may find many optional flipbook publishing tools that can help you publish HTML5 flipping books as well as that with rich media elements. However, Pub HTML5 is the one of the minority that can take your digital publication up a notch as this software provides you with an amazing Advanced Event Editor which lets you to add gorgeous interactions to the multimedia, making your book more dynamic and interactive.
